Soft tissue management refers to a variety of dental services designed to help you improve and maintain optimal periodontal health. If your gums become infected or inflamed, Dr. Christopher Pavletic can help you find relief and improve the health of your smile with our effective treatments. We invite you to contact Trine Dental Group today to learn more about soft tissue management in Orland Park, Illinois, and to schedule your next appointment with our experienced dentist!

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is a degenerative condition primarily caused by bacteria found in plaque. The bacteria inflame and infect the gum tissues, and when left untreated, can eventually cause the gums to pull away from the teeth. Untreated periodontal disease can result in bone loss, tooth loss, and gum tissue recession.

When you come in for your routine dental cleaning appointment, you may hear numbers being said aloud. These numbers are measurements that are important in determining the state of your gum health.

During your appointment, our dental hygienist will use a periodontal probe to gently measure the space between the gums and each tooth in millimeters. The gum tissues do not attach directly to the teeth. There is a pocket or space between the gum and the tooth before it attaches. When bacteria or gum disease are present, the natural pocket is deeper. The pocket depth is measured, recorded, and monitored over time to evaluate gum health. If the gums are healthy, the pocket is generally 1-2 millimeters deep in the front and 2-3 in the back.

Keep in mind that healthy gums are pink and firm. If your gums are puffy, dusky red, and bleed easily, the gums may be infected. The sooner you schedule an appointment, the better your chances of reversing damage from periodontitis , which can potentially prevent other serious health problems.

If your gums are swollen, red, or tender, or if your gums bleed easily, you may have periodontal disease. Other common symptoms of gum disease include loose teeth, painful chewing, persistent bad breath, and receding gums that make your teeth appear longer than normal. Following an exam at our office, our dentist and team will be able to determine whether you suffer from periodontal disease.

The treatment for gum disease is based upon your specific dental needs. Depending on the severity of the condition, our dentist may recommend additional professional dental cleanings, improved at-home oral hygiene, scaling and root planing (deep cleanings), or gum surgery.